KIMN Photos

Classic pics from KIMNs' past.
Please be patient... these may take a little while, but they're worth the wait!


Here's Don Martins' "Air Alert"

Now, Here's a real treat, along with a description from John Erickson...

"This is Don Martin's KIMN newsroom--as it looked in 1971. It was a police-news reporters' dream. Spread out before you are individual monitors for each of the police, fire, and sheriff channels in the Denver area. They'd light up when talking, color-coded with red meaning fire and green meaning police. A corresponding colored light would flash on the map before you. The individual monitors required you to be able to listen to many transmissions simultaneously. The various wall phones to the right were ringdown lines to the emergency rooms of Denver General, St. Anthony, a local ambulance company, and the station two-way (KBX-626). You can also see the two Ampex 601's, one upright and the other flat. To the right of the map, surrounded by award plaques, was the KIMN status board, indicating the location of each KIMN newsman, all of whom checked in on-call around the clock. The AP and UPI machines were at the opposite end of the newsroom behind a sliding glass door. We'd write the newscast on that manual typewriter.
Many incredible news people sat in this chair, including household names for anyone who grew up in Denver in the 60's. Don Martin, Mike Anthony, Phil Mueller, Tony Lamonica, Morrie Trumble, Gary Cruz, and many others were products of this amazing place. Excellence in covering news--particularly of the breaking variety--is part of why KIMN was such a breakthrough radio station. I'm a sophomore at CU in this picture, doing a nighttime news shift on KIMN and learning things I use every day today."

John Erickson (Bill Calm)

Next up, The KIMN "Free Form News" team


Roy "The Bellboy" Gunderson, 1959

Pogo Poge broadcasting from atop a flag pole at Pappy Frys used car lot on S. Broadway

Were you a member of Pogo's Hi Fi Club?

The lovely candidates for the title of Miss KIM (KIMN) of 1956

The KIMN 1967 Miss 16 Magazine winner

Davey Jones visits Don West at KIMN, Summer 1967

(L to R, front: Don West, Todd Wallace, Ross Reagan, Greg Stone, back row: Robert E Lee, Jay Mack Chuck Buell)

Danny Davis returns from KTLK ~ 1970, and (below) the Fall 1970 Line-up

We need your help identifying the KIMN folks in the following pictures...

(l-r)1. John McGuinness, GM 2. Walt Turner, PD 3.?, 4.?, 5. John Bayliss, 6.?, 7.?

John McGuinness and John Bayliss, Christmas party 1971 or 72

Early '72 in John Bayliss' office: (l-r) seated-John Bayliss, standing: 1.?, 2. Walt Turner PD, 3.Mike Anthony News Director, 4. Mary Stephens, 5. John McGuinness, 6. Harrison DeSales (?) of Pacific & Southern

Al Jefferson in the studio

Jay Mack & Tiny Tim

Wierd Al and George Weber

How many in this picture can YOU name?
Back row, left to right: Dan Ryan, morning show, Roger Thompson, production director, Loren Owens, PD and morning show host, Bill Croghan, engineer, Chuck Waltman, Chief Engineer. Front Row, Rich Beall, all around announcer guy, Chuck Buell, PM Drive, Lynn "Marti" Martin, Promotions Director, Bill Harris, engineer, KIMN Chicken (Jim Fulcher) and Don "Dave Bogart" McCaw, DJ. According to Bill Harris, "This was taken at one of our traveling afternoon "office parties". We were all, no doubt, a bit tipsy in this picture!"
Excellent pic and memory, Bill!

KIMN fans wave chicken dolls at final live broadcast.
Saturday, April 23, 1988

So long KIMN, we miss you

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